
Ron EveridgeRon is the founder of the family owned and operated Everidge Motor Sales in Stroh. Married 53 years to his wife Nan, Ron and his children Rick and Tina have provided
exceptional service and quality automobiles to Stroh and surrounding communities for over 36 years. Ron is an avid race car fan and owner. He loves to play guitar in the Stroh Church of God
Praise Band and play golf in his spare time, as well as, spend time with his grandchildren.

Josh KlineJosh is the owner/operator of The CombOver Barber Shop in Angola, Indiana. He and his wife, Stephanie, have one son, whom
they adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Africa. Josh is a huge Notre Dame basketball fan and is widely-known for his homemade
noodles and pies!

Don "Farmer" HumpalI am a twin from Cleveland, Ohio who loves to cook for my friends and family. This led to me seeking an education in culinary arts. I attended
Hocking College where I met a lot of wonderful people, including one of my best friends Nemo (aka Kristy)! In my free time, I like to cook, play video games, and hangout with
my family and friends!

Ryan SailorBorn and raised in Michigan, Ryan was lucky enough to marry into the Stroh way of life! He is General Manager of Forest River Plant 36 and
serves as the Vice President of Board of Directors for our hosting nonprofit, Mission to the Son, Inc. Ryan has no idea what he's cooking and will likely scramble around the night before to find something. Regardless, it will be delicious!

Pastor Jeff BerryJeff is a born Hoosier (and proud of it!) having grown up near Rockville, IN., just west of Indianapolis.
He has been in the ministry close to 20 years and has served, along with his wife Brenda, at the Stroh Church of God for the past seven years.
They have three grown sons, five grandchildren and both drive school buses for Prairie Heights. Jeff will be cooking his famous
chili and possibly a dessert!

Mark FisherMark and his wife, Susan, live in Hamilton, Indiana; however, his wife is originally from Stroh and both are very involved in the community.
Mark has two daughters, three stepdaughters, and three grandsons. He has worked for the Steuben County Sherriff's Department for the past 30 years. Mark enjoys
watching cooking shows on television and occassionally tries the recipes, but mostly just throws ingredients together to make something of his own.

Keith GormanKeith is an accomplished and award winning chef /pit master. The former owner and creator of That BBQ Place of Kendallville developed
many tasty items as well as his own sauces. Before Keith came to Kendallville he was a a 32 year paramedic firefighter in
Southern California. He dedicated his time to the youth of the area. For Men can Cook , Keith will be serving up his world famous HOG EGGS and macaroni & cheese!
He looks forward to helping support such a great cause.

Matt BoyerOne of Stroh's finest, Matt Boyer, has been a diehard Hoosier fan his whole life. He is an electrician at CrossRoads RV and enjoys
playing guitar in his free time. Stop by his table for a mouthwatering main dish!

Jeremy GaffJeremy lives in Kendallville, Indianna with his wife of 17 years, Tammy Gaff. He works at Wayne Manufacturing in Laotto
and is a former Waterloo fireman. He loves hunting, fishing, and cooking!

Jeremiah HuffJeremiah is a car salesman at Tom Naquin Chevrolet, Cadillac and Nissan in Elkhart, Indiana who specializes in used vehicles. He enjoys helping families find the perfect, safe, reliable vehicle
that fits their budget. Jeremiah is also a devoted family man who has been married to his high school sweetheart for 15 years. Together they have three beautiful children, Isaac, Emma, and Levi.
He enjoys chaperoning school field trips and teaching children's church on Sundays. Vote for Jeremiah!

Brandon "Fuzzy" SchwartzFuzzy grew up in Brooklyn, Michigan where he attended Heart O’ the Lakes Church and graduated from Columbia Central High School in 2000.
He earned a degree in Art Education from Huntington College (now Huntington University). There, he met his wife Amanda (a PH graduate) and married her the summer after graduation.
He currently lives in Bristol, Indiana with his wife and two daughters. When he's not teaching or creating things, he's probably watching football, enjoying the outdoors or reading.

Jacob SpringerJake currently works at Farmers State Bank. He grew up in the area, playing football and baseball for Prairie Heights until he graduated in 2010. He has always loved to cook
and is facinated by culinary arts. His grandma taught him to cook at a young age, while his uncle and dad taught him how to grill. His favorite method of cooking is using his smoker. He finds it enjoyable to use and
it provides peace and patience in his life.

Marc StutzmanMarc has lived on Big Turkey Lake for 34 years with his wife Janet. Marc works full time as a Tool & Die Tech and is a volunteer firefighter with Stroh Fire Dept, alongside
both of his sons. Marc loves fishing, hunting, and being with his kids and grandkids. Marc also loves cooking on the grill and over an open fire. He is planning on making BBQ ribs and possibly a
surprise dessert!

Justin KuhnleJustin and his wife Beth live in Garrett with their two young sons. He is a family case manager with the Department of Child Services. Justin enjoys spending
time with his family, traveling, and doing home repairs. He is a grilling machine and can pull together many recipes, including a new one he tried with chili - dragonbreath chili! For the event, he
plans to bring forth a newly-crafted barbecue chicken recipe and possibly an appetizer, as well.

Justin MullinsJustin is a former Prairie Heights graduate. He and his wife, Dawn, own and operate Lucille Diner in Stroh. They enjoy cooking and helping out in the community!

Jason SailorJason is employed by Sailor Manufacturing in Elkhart, Indiana as a Plant & Warehouse Manager. He is a Master Mason and a member of the Widows' Sons Motorcycle Group.
He can often be found smoking meat outside of his home in Mottville, Michigan where he lives with his wife, Teresa.

Dana AltimusDana currently works at Lewis Century Stock Farms. In his spare time, he enjoys hunting and fishing. He is married to Pam (Freed) Altimus of Stroh, who owns the Hair Crafter.
They welcome you to come and try out some of his WILD entrees!